23 February 2007

We were on the gravy train with biscuit wheels before you showed up.

So I was right…. The last couple of weeks have been insane at work, and out. My last day at this job got pushed back from the 15 to the 28. But we’ve been running around like chickens with our heads cut off trying to get everything packed and ready for the moves. Half of the stuff is going to the other offices of this company, and the other half is going to my new company. If I never move another office again… it will be far too soon! It’s been hella stressful for everyone involved. Start with the new company on Thursday of next week. Should be interesting. A lot more laid back too. YAY!

Personal life has been not too bad. I’m distressing a bit, which it helping with my personal life and causing a lot less drama. YAY! Been spending a lot of time with Travis and with family lately. It’s been really nice.
“Ran into” someone I haven’t seen in years last weekend. He was a guy I knew when I lived in NY. He’s been staying with my dad for the last week. It was awesome to see him again. He seems to be doing pretty well. Met his dog Buck. Buck is the sweetest freaking dog ever! He’s awesome. Our dogs weren’t so found of Buck, but they dealt with it. Had a moment where I wasn’t sure if all of them were going to get away from each other alive, but it worked out.

Been thinking a lot lately about the things I used be very passionate about doing, but they’ve somehow fallen to side in the past few years. As soon as I get a couple more things ironed out (in both work and personal life) I’m going to see what I can do about making time for those things again. I really want to spend more time with my guitars… I used to love to play… it was my escape from the world and everything that was happening in it… but I haven’t played just to play in… forever. I’m also thinking about getting a keyboard of some sort, so I can work on learning to play the piano again. And spending time with my mom in her glass shop. We used to spend at least one afternoon a week out there making things… I think we should get in the habit of doing it again. The list goes on… but I don’t have time to be typing them all out. Lol

This weekend should prove to be interesting. I have no idea what we’ve got going on tonight. But tomorrow evening is my company’s “holiday” party. We have to get all dressed up and be on our “best” behavior. Should be interesting, especially since it’s my last one.

Well, time for me to run along and.... I dunno... do something.

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