12 December 2006

car accidents suck

wrote this yesterday, but didn't get a chance to post it...

::sigh:: so it’s been about a week since I’ve had a chance to write anything in here. Last week was kinda busy. Just doing a lot of random things.

I’m totally almost done with one of the blankets I’m making for someone for Christmas. YAY! Only two more to go, and I know they won’t be done in time for xmas, but better lat e then never right?!? Lol

This weekend was insane. Friday I spent doing family things. Sat xmas things with my mom, bro and travis. Had a little drama that evening, but whatever. Sunday… Sunday sucked in the morning. Travis and I were in a car accident on the way out to family dinner. I was coming down a road towards an intersection where I didn’t have a stop sign but the road crossing did. As I came over the hill there was a car at the stop sign on the left. Then, the car pulled out into the middle of the intersection and STOPPED!!!! There was no way I was going to not hit this car. I slammed on my brakes and turned my wheel as far as I could to the right so that I wouldn’t hit the passenger door and seriously injury the lady in the passenger seat. So our cars hit and mine kept going up into the grass on one of the corners… took out the stop sign. Turns out the reason they were stopped in the middle of the freaking road is because the lady couldn’t decide which way she wanted her hubby (who was driving) to go (they aren’t from around here and were a little lost.) No serious injuries, but both cars had to be towed. Mom came and picked us up. As the day went on I got more and more sore. Today… it’s hell. I can’t move anything with it hurting insane amounts, but I know it could be worse! So now I’m playing the waiting game… I’m waiting for the insurance adjuster to call me back so I can figure out what’s going on with my car. ::sigh::

Not how I wanted to start my Sunday. Other than that though It was a good day. We played a lot of scrabble with my parents and had a great dinner.


Anonymous said...

That totally sucks. I've lost two cars because of accidents that were the other idiot's fault. But the important thing is that no one was hurt. Hope you feel better soon.

Hint: a hot bath and Aleve work wonders for sore muscles.

--Jeri (stupid Blogger won't let me sign in without a Google account)

Jess said...

It sucks. What sucks even more is that my insurance company is taking FOREVER to get back to me about the whole thing. I've talked to the other guy's insurance company a couple of times already. ::sigh::

Yeah, everyone's ok. A little sore still and having to see the chiropractor, but nothing I won't live through.

Baths and motrin have been my best friends since sunday.

that sucks it won't let you sign in... damn google.